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SureSync KB
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SureSync KB
Knowledge articles for SureSync.
User [domain\user] is not authorized to start [Real-Time Monitor\Schedule]
Job, Schedule or Real-Time Monitor displays as running in the Desktop and cannot be cancelled
Root path cannot be accessed or does not exist. Usage has been discontinued.
Folders reappear in a Real-Time Monitor or Schedule during rename operations
You Do Not Have Permissions to Display Any Group Folders on Launching the SureSync Desktop
Failed to Find FRN in Journal
What are the ~~SureSync.tmp folders used for?
Block received for terminated file copy
Upgrading to the Current Major SureSync Release
Moving a SureSync SQL database to a new SQL server machine
Why do I need to a Pro or Collaboration bundle for each machine when only an agent is installed?
How to scan a single directory in SureSync
When copying NTFS security, results are different on the destination
Action suppressed. File sizes are different with same date.
Change Journal size increased from x to y
Root Path cannot be monitored and your job will fail. You can only monitor local drive letters.
Failed the authentication request. ; System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The parameter is incorrect
Unable to access the private key for new certificate. The system account must have modify permissions to the Crpto\RSA folder
Can SureSync copy encrypted files?
Cannot create a file when that file already exists
Compacting a Jet database from the command line using JetComp.exe
Copying Jobs, Schedules or Real-Time Monitors between databases
Job Folder security for the administrators group does not resolve without UAC elevation
Unable to open Change Journal when launching a Job
Alternative data streams are not supported error occurs when running a Job, Schedule or Real-Time Monitor
Job "Job Name Here" is already busy. Job skipped.
Expanding the SPIAgent port range to handle a large number of concurrent SureSync Jobs
SureSync File Copy Performance is Slow
SureSync cancels a Schedule or Real-Time Monitor after 500 warnings or 50 severe errors
SystemSecurity.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Bad Data
System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException: An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party.
SyncLockStatus pop-up notifications not displayed when opening a file via UNC path as a different user
The system cannot find the file specificed. Unable to open the source file
SureSync is not impacted by the Log4J security vulnerabilities
Communications Agent Encryption Details for SureSync
Slow copy performance to a Hyper-V guest on a host with a Broadcom adapter
Cannot use the Change Journal on non-local path
The security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object. Unable to write security objects. Security not copied.
Error reading security values for file. Security values will not be compared or copied. Access is denied.
When creating a new Job, only Delete and Skip are available for Rule Type
How to determine if Remote Differential Compression is installed and how to enable it
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Keyset does not exist
Cannot create a file when that file already exists. You might have a conflict between short and long file names where this short name conflicts with an existing long file name.
Disable short file name generation for optimal performance
Support for paths longer than 256 characters
Remote Differential Compression (RDC) is not installed or supported. Delta processing cannot be performed.
VSS Error 8194 in Event Log when using Advanced Open File Support
Installer error code 2337
File locking is unable to enumerate shares on ’SERVERNAME’ which prevents detecting users opening files on the machine via a UNC path
Establishing a Dial Up Connection with SureSync 7 and newer
Keeping System Clocks and System Times Synchronized
Action suppressed. File change or added to multiple paths since last successful synchronization
Action suppressed. File and folder have the same name.
Time Zones and an Explanation of UTC Time
Triggering a full rescan manually
Real-Time Monitor stuck on waiting to start
Error 1047 System.Data.ConstraintException
Error 1010 SPIAgent Return code=0 Undefined Msg: 0 [machine name] Unable to initialize SPIAgent
Error 1024 Violation of primary key constraint
The scheduler service on [machinename] is running, but the Scheduler failed to initialize
Upgrading from Access to SQL
Job [name of Job] is being skipped because it does not have the minimum required root paths needed to execute
You attempted to open a database that is already open exclusively by user ’Admin’
SPIAgent Return Code 210
Which applications are supported by File Locking?
The path is not being monitored by an agent on the same machine. You must specify an agent for your remote path being monitored.
SPIAgent Init unable to acquire cryptographic resources
Windows 2003 UNC Path Destination Time Stamps Show Current Date and Time
Trace Output Location (/P) Does Not Exist: when Running a Preview
Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file error occurs during setup
Your Job name is already in use. You must choose a different Job name.
Jobs, Schedules & Real-Time Monitors don't show status in the SureSync Desktop when using a SQL database
Invalid Picture error occurs when launching the SureSync Desktop error occurs when attempting to install SureSync
Will a reboot be required when upgrading a Software Pursuits application?
VSS_E_BAD_STATE error occurs when running a Job with Advanced Open File Support enabled
VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS error occurs when running a Job with Advanced Open File Support enabled
Folder deletion not replicated to other path(s)
How to purge old files from a directory using SureSync
Synchronizing ASP.NET content to an IIS server results in the IIS site restarting
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Invalid Argument
Understanding how deletes are processed with a multi-mirror Rule
Unable to delete the folder because it is not empty. The directory is not empty.
Unable to read security for source file. Security values will not be copied.
What happens when adding a new path to an existing Job?
An error occurred while updating the entries when deleting a Job Group Folder
An agent request was received that was intended for a different machine. Expected destination=ServerA, received by=ServerB
Unable to connect to the UNC share name because the credentials differ from other uses
The SPILock8 driver, required for File Locking, is not installed.
System.Data.SqlClientException: Cannot open database "DBName" requested by the login. The login failed.
When testing a connection to a UNC path, access succeeds, but when the Job runs, a "Root folder does not exist" message is returned.
Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed.
Attempt to send Cancel request to Job failed. Job Package target was not found.
Status Web displays a "refused to connect" message when attempting to start or stop a Job
SureSync 9
Updating SureSync 9
Moving SureSync 9 to a New Machine
Moving a SureSync 9 Communications Agent to another machine
Test Connections to Agent button in SureSync 9 fails with a failed to connect error
SureSync 8 (unsupported)
Updating SureSync 8
Moving a SureSync 8 Communications Agent to another machine
Moving SureSync 8 to a new machine
Test Connections to Agent button in SureSync 8 fails with a failed to connect error
SureSync 7 (unsupported)
Updating SureSync 7
Moving a SureSync 7 Communications Agent to a New Machine
Moving SureSync 7 to a New Machine
SureSync 6 (unsupported)
Event Viewer contains messages from SPIMsg including the text WSAECONNREFUSED
Error No: 1026 System.Application.Exception: Unable to initialize SPIAgent
SPIAgent action took longer than expected
Moving a SureSync 6 SPIAgent to a new machine
Detailed Status does not display locked files when using SPIAgent File Locking
Moving SureSync 6 to a new machine
See more
SureSync 5 (unsupported)
SyncStatus does not display locked files when using SPIAgent File Locking
Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. SPIAgent return code=225
SPIAgent Return Code 202 encountered when clicking test for a SPIAgent in SPIAgent Setup
SPIAgent Return Code 203 encountered when clicking test for a SPIAgent in SPIAgent Setup
Does replicated data pass directly between SPIAgents
SPIAgent Return code=0; Unable to initialize SPIAgent
Upgrading from Access to SQL in SureSync 5
Moving SureSync 5 to a new machine
SureSync launch is very slow; processes launch slowly
Path drops occur and WSAENOBUFS errors are logged from SPIMsg in the Event Viewer
See more