Root Path cannot be monitored and your job will fail. You can only monitor local drive letters.

Note: This article applies to SureSync 8 and newer

When starting a Real-Time Monitor, you receive the following error:

Root Path '\\server\share' in 'Job Name' cannot be monitored and your Job will fail. You can only monitor local drive letters.

Cause and Resolution

A Real-Time Monitor requires Change Journal support. A Change Journal must be referenced using the Communications Agent for the machine in question and a local drive letter.

To resolve the issue, all paths must be modified to reference local paths. Open the SureSync Desktop and click on the problem Job. Click on the "Root Paths" tab and edit each path.

For example, if your paths are defined as:

Agent Name

Root Path



ServerB \\ServerB\SalesData

Your paths should be modified to be:

Agent Name

Root Path





If you are referencing a path where no Communications Agent is installed, one must be installed on the machine and the path referenced correctly. If the machine is only accessible via UNC path, Real-Time Monitoring is not possible and the Job should be run with a Schedule.