When testing a connection to a UNC path, access succeeds, but when the Job runs, a "Root folder does not exist" message is returned.

When synchronizing via UNC path, there are potentially different user credentials involved. This can lead to a "Test Connection" on the root path succeeding and the Job failing.

The SureSync Desktop includes the ability to perform a test to confirm that the path is available and exits. This test is performed by clicking on the Job, going to the Root Paths tab, and clicking on the "Test Connection" button for the path in question.

This will return the following message on success:

Successfully connected to 'machinename' and verified that '\\server\share\' exists.

When the "Test Connection" button is used, the account you use to log into the machine is the account you use to perform the test. The "Test Connection" proves that the UNC path exists and that the logged-in account that launched the SureSync Desktop can access that path.

When the Job is executed, a different account could be used. This can lead to the Job failing with an error like:

Unable to access Root Path.

System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Root folder does not exist.

The system cannot find the path specified.

By default, the UNC path access will be performed using the account defined for the Communications Agent used to reference the path. This user account is defined on the General tab of the Computer record. The defined account is accessed in the SureSync Desktop by expanding Computers, then Servers or Workstations, and clicking on the computer in question.

Often, a UNC path requires a different credential. This can be defined by clicking on the Root Paths tab of the Job. From there, click on the UNC path and then click the "Edit" button. In the "User ID for UNC Path Access" field, click the "Change" button and define the correct credential.

Once the Job uses a credential with access to the UNC path, this error should stop occurring.