File locking is unable to enumerate shares on ’SERVERNAME’ which prevents detecting users opening files on the machine via a UNC path

If you are using SureSync 7's (or newer) file locking with Windows 2003 or Windows Vista, the Network Service account must be made a member of one of the following groups: Administrators, Power Users, Print Operators, or Server Operators on each Windows 2003 and Windows Vista machine in the locking Monitor. This requirement is caused by different default security in these operating systems. Newer operating systems do not have this requirement. If the permission is missing, the file locking driver on the Windows 2003 or Windows Vista machine will not be able to detect users opening files via UNC path on those machines which prevents those open files from being locked on the other machines.

To add the permission, go to Start | Administrative Tools | Computer Management. Expand Local Users and Groups, click on Groups and then double click on Power Users. Click “Add.” Click “Locations” and set the location to the local machine. Type in the account “Network Service.” Click “OK” to add the account. Finally, click “Apply” and “OK” on the Power Users dialog to save the change.

If the Windows 2003 machine involved in the file locking environment is a domain controller then the “Network Service” account must be added to the domain Print Operators group to obtain the appropriate permissions. This is required because domain controllers do not have local accounts.

While operating systems newer than 2003 or Vista have the correct rights by default, this error is still possible if the account being used to access the agent is lacking the required right. If you receive this error on a newer operating system, the same steps should be investigated.