Training videos for Visual Pursuits.
Guide for All Members
- General Photography - Digital Workflow (video)
- Discussion Forums (video)
- Voting on Competition Images (video)
- Creating and Managing Your User Account (video)
- Concepts and Features (video)
- Introduction to Visual Pursuits (video)
Managing Competitions
- Upload Member Images into Competitions (video)
- Submitting Images to another Organization from Competitions (video)
- Submit Images to another Organization using a Free Account (video)
- Print Competitions (video)
- Multi-Competition and Multi-Level Awards (video)
- Competition Types (video)
- Competition Levels (video)
- Competition Groups (video)
- Category Competitions (video)
- Awards and Award Sets (video)
- Annual Competitions (video)
- Competitions: Initial Setup (video)
Website and Membership Administration
- Using the Editor for Website and Email Content (video)
- PayPal Buttons and Payment Processing (video)
- Organization Profile (video)
- Manage Roles (video)
- Manage Members (video)
- Manage Discussion Forums and Posts (video)
- Custom Pages and Menus (video)
- Creating an Organization Website (video)
Image Competition Manager (ICM)
- ICM Styles for Shows and Judging (video)
- ICM Ordering Images (video)
- ICM Judging Images (video)
- ICM Importing Images (video)
- ICM Exporting Images and Competition Data (video)
- ICM Dual Screen Mode (video)
- ICM Critique and Show Images (video)
- ICM Advanced Options (video)
- ICM Advanced Judging (video)
- ICM Installation and Initial Setup (video)
Images, Galleries and Competition Submissions
- Uploading Images (video)
- Upload to a Category Competition (video)
- Image Sequences (video)
- Image Library (video)
- Galleries (video)