SureSync Internal Build

A SureSync Internal Build is used to update your SureSync environment with the latest fixes not yet available in an official public release.

SureSync 9 is the currently supported release and is a major upgrade that requires a new license. Do not apply this build in a SureSync 8 or older environment. Upgrade instructions to move to SureSync 9 can be found here.

SureSync Installer

The full SureSync Internal Build installer can be downloaded by clicking here.

File Name: SureSync9Setup.exe


To update to the internal build, simply run the installer on each machine in the environment with the SureSync or the Communications Agent installed. The steps are the same as performing a regular SureSync Update as outlined in the Updating SureSync KB Article.

Fixes in 9.0.30 Internal Builds

  • If a connection was lost during a license check / verifying the operating system, a workstation machine would be reclassified as a server until the next time a successful license check was executed.  This has been fixed in

  • Trial Run executions must perform a full scan. If scans were pending, queued folder scans were being cleared one at a time on the startup. This would take a long time and make the Trial Run appear not to be fully executing. A change has been made to purge these scans much more efficiently.  This has been fixed in
  • A Trial Run could duplicate folder scans in some circumstances, making it scan more than necessary. This has been fixed in