Placing Images on a Web Page

Images can be added to a webpage using the Image Manager or links.

You can place an image on a page with multiple methods. You can add a link to the image once it is placed on the page.

You can use the editor that is used to compose your page.

  1. At the top of the editor, click the "Insert" tab.
  2. Position your cursor where the image should be placed.
  3. Click "Image Manager" to bring up a dialog page.
  4. Click the "Admin" folder on the left side of the form.
  5. Click "+ Upload" at the top of the form. You will be prompted for the location of an image file to upload.
  6. When the new image selected, click "Insert" at the bottom of the form. This will place a link to the image on your page.
  7. With the image selected, you can click "Set Image Properties" to force the image to a specific size.

You can add an image from the downloads area:

  1. Upload an image using "Administration", "Manage Downloads".
  2. Once uploaded, that page provides a link to the image that can be used to place the image on a page.
  3. Edit the page to be updated.
  4. At the top of the editor, click "Insert".
  5. Position the cursor where you want your image.
  6. Click "Insert Image".
  7. In the "Choose Image" box, paste in the link location from the Manage Downloads page.
  8. Click OK.
  9. With the image selected, you can click "Set Image Properties" to force the image to a specific size.

If you are comfortable with HTML coding, you can manually reference an image from your downloads area:

  1. Upload an image using "Administration", "Manage Downloads".
  2. Once uploaded, that page provides a link to the image that can be used to place the image on a page.
  3. Edit the page to be updated.
  4. At the bottom of the editor, click the HTML tab.
  5. Position your cursor where the image should be placed.
  6. Add the text <img src="[your image location]" />. For example, this might look like: <img src="/Downloads/a64d7da5-75c5-4043-9544-907760c2a1e3" />

To add a link to an image:

  1. Select the image in the editor.
  2. Use the "Insert" tab at the top of the editor.
  3. Click "Link Manager".
  4. In the URL field, enter the full address of the link location for a location outside your website. This address would normally start with https://. If the location is within your website, just enter the location which start with a slash.