Test Pages

You can create pages that are hidden from your members to test new page layouts.

With a Premium Visual Pursuits subscription, you can create custom pages. You can create a custom page that is hidden from your normal membership where you test out page layouts.

Use your website menu "Administration", "Manage Menus and Custom Pages" and create a new page. To hide the page from your regular members, require a role for the page to display, such as "Web Content Managers".

When you are happy with your page, you can change the roles required to view the page. If the page should be viewed by the public, clear all checkmarks for roles. If only members should see the page, check "Members".

If your test page is intended for your Home page, Membership Information page, or a different Custom page, you will need to copy and paste the page content from the editor for your test page into the editor for the proper page.