Known Issues in All Versions
This section has known issues that cross versions, such as conflicts with other software products or system requirements.
Required Microsoft Components
SureSync 8.0 requires current Microsoft technologies as outlined on the SureSync System Requirements page. The installer will check to see if your system meets these requirements. If it does not it will offer to install them for you.
Zip Magic
If you are using ZipMagic to handle your zip files and are allowing ZipMagic to display zip files as folders, SureSync will be unable to copy those files. If you turn off ZipFolders then the files will copy as expected.
In order to display the zip files as folders, ZipMagic must somehow intercept the standard actions such as opening a file and reissue them as if you were working with a folder. This command change prevents SureSync from being able to properly open, copy and rename files.
It is our guess that the makers of ZipMagic recognize this issue. There are two ways to circumvent this issue. You can turn off ZipFolders for SureSync only or you can turn off ZipFolders during the time you run your synchronization.
To turn off the ZipFolders for SureSync’s file synchronization engine. You can open the ZipMagic control panel, select the ZipFolders choice, and go to Applications. Click ‘Add’ on the Control Panel and browse to your SureSync folder and choose SPIFiles.exe from the file list. Then click ‘Add’ on the Add New Application dialog. Click ‘Done’ and ‘OK’ to save the new settings.
Or to turn ZipFolders off at a specific time, you can open the ZipMagic control panel, select the ZipFolders choice, and go to Schedule it allows you to schedule times for the ZipFolder option to be disabled. The text on the panel says “this can be useful for automatic activities done overnight”. This implies that SureSync is not the only product that can not work with the ZipFolders feature on.
Note: The only files that SureSync will not copy if ZipFolders is turned on are the zip files. All other files should copy normally.
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Known Issues in Latest Version (8.1.25)
Version 8.1.25 was posted on November 7th, 2022.
This version contains all patches to previous versions as well as new fixes and features.
All issues listed for prior versions have been resolved.
There are no patches issued for this version at this time.
We will report known issues as they come up.
If you have any problems not listed here, please contact our Support Team.
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SureSync 8.1.24 Known Issues
Version 8.1.24 was posted on August 29, 2022.
File Synchronization
- In a multi-mirror, if you delete a folder to the recycle bin, SureSync would delete it from the other side. If the folder was then restored from the recycle bin, the folder will be added to the other side and then the files deleted from the restored folder. This would occur only with workstations or when deleting a file from the server directly. Files deleted via UNC path do not go to the recycle bin so this behavior would not occur in that scenario. This has been fixed in 8.1.25.
- An ArgumentNullException error could be thrown while disposing a Node class. This would trigger the cancellation of the Job and an invalid journal position message may be presented. This has been fixed in 8.1.25.
- With SFTP, it was possible to receive errors about being unable to create tmp files. This has been fixed in 8.1.25.
- A correction has been made to the v8 installer to avoid removing the File Locking driver if the new v9 is present on the system. The File Locking driver is shared between v8 and v9. It is recommended to update to 8.1.25 before doing the upgrade so that when v8 is removed, the File Locking driver stays in place. Otherwise, a repair of v9 will be needed after the removal of v8 to reinstall the File Locking driver. This has been fixed in 8.1.25.
User Interface
- If setting Group Folder permissions on a Job, Schedule or Real-Time Monitor could produce a “System.Exception: Violation of Primary Key constraint” error when saving a change to security. This error would not occur if the change was on a Group Folder. This has been fixed in 8.1.25.
SureSync 8.1.23 Known Issues
Version 8.1.23 was posted on July 6, 2022.
File Synchronization
- In a multi-mirror Rule, it was possible to file history to be deleted for a file that would result in the file being added back to the other side instead of correctly deleted. History was deleted when Node records were deleted because it appears that there was no FileActions records for a folder. This would occur primarily in folders with no subfolders. This has been fixed in 8.1.24
- A System.NullReferenceException error could occur that would cause a Real-Time Monitor to be placed on hold. This has been fixed in 8.1.24.
- A System.NullReferenceException error could be thrown when a Mutex was used and released by a different thread at exactly the same time. This caused a callback to the Job to fail which would make the path timeout and drop repeatedly. This is likely to happen only on very fast systems. This has been fixed in 8.1.24.
User Interface
- A Violation of Primary Key Constraint error could occur while the SureSync Desktop was applying security on the Computers folder in the Desktop. This has been fixed in 8.1.24.
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SureSync 8.1.22 Known Issues
Version 8.1.22 was posted on May 19, 2022.
File Locking
- In rare timing circumstances, when File Locking was enabled, it was possible that a new file could be added, deleted and renamed in manner that might not release a file lock. This can block the copying of the file until the Job is restarted and all locks are released. This has been fixed in 8.1.23.
File Synchronization
- A System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null error could occur. This has been fixed in 8.1.23.
- An error in the Change Journal service within the Communications Agent could cause an event to be missed in rare circumstances. This has been fixed in 8.1.23.
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SureSync 8.1.21 Known Issues
Version 8.1.21 was posted on February 25, 2022.
File Synchronization
- With a one-way Rule, truncate deletes were not always being used. This has been fixed in 8.1.22.
- Thinning a backup root could result in a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error that would cancel the Job. This has been fixed in 8.1.22.
- When a cluster failover would occur, it was possible to have to re-enter the Communications Agent credentials to get the Communications Agent working again. This has been fixed in 8.1.22.
- A Real-Time Monitor could encounter a “the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. This action will not be retried.” message. The action should have been retried. This has been fixed in 8.1.22.
- A correction was made to a routine to check for recursive reparse points. The routine was incorrectly identifying the parent folder by folder name only which could cause issues processing if you had a subfolder within the reparse point that had another subfolder under it with the same name. This has been fixed in 8.1.22.
- Truncate deletes were not being used in multi-way Rules. This has been corrected and is now controlled by the “allow folder truncation deletes” option on the Options tab of the Job. Truncate deletes avoid issues with deleting folders that contain hidden system files like a thumbs.db.
Job Log
- When a database contained more Job Log entries than could be purged in a 4-hour purge cycle, the purge process would fail to delete the headers of empty logs. This would result in obsolete log records remaining in the database. This has been fixed in 8.1.22.
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SureSync 8.1.20 Known Issues
Version 8.1.20 was posted on October 20, 2021.
E-mail Alerts
- Path recovery e-mail alerts were not always being sent. This has been fixed in 8.1.21.
File Synchronization
- A timeout for UNC paths has been increased to avoid path losses. This has been fixed in 8.1.21.
- A cannot set column ‘Subfolder’. This value violates the MaxLength limit of this column error could occur when logging statistics for paths longer than 255 characters. This has been fixed in 8.1.21.
- A “the filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect error could occur when configuring a SFTP Job. This has been fixed in 8.1.21.
- The Scheduler has been updated to run in 64-bit mode and additional tracing has been added to troubleshoot a Scheduler error.
This has been fixed in 8.1.21.
SQL Protection
- With SQL Protection, you could receive a “Restore bypassed. Unable to determine the files to be restored” error during a restore. This message was harmless because a retry was scheduled and the file was copied. This has been fixed in 8.1.21.
- Open file retries have been added to SQL Protection Jobs. This has been fixed in 8.1.21.
- The /E operand on SyncCmd would not continue attempting to login into additional agents after a login failure was encountered. This has been fixed in 8.1.21.
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SureSync 8.1.19 Known Issues
Version 8.1.19 was posted on September 9, 2021.
File Locking
- The File Locking driver was not working correctly with ReFS. Due to changes in Microsoft code signing for file filter drivers, Windows 2012, Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2008, Windows 8.1, Windows 8 and Windows 7 are not supported by this driver. The installer will install the old File Locking driver on these operating systems. This means that ReFS drives are only supported in file locking environments on Windows 2012 R2 and later. This has been fixed in 8.1.20.
- In certain timing circumstances, when File Locking was enabled a newly created file would not be copied until a change and a save were made to the file. This has been fixed in 8.1.20.
- In certain timing circumstances, locks could fail to be released from destinations. This has been fixed in 8.1.20.
- In certain timing circumstances, new file creations could cause a case where locks were not released until an attempt was made to access the locked file. This has been fixed in 8.1.20.
File Synchronization
- When it takes longer than 15 seconds to connect to a UNC path, it was possible to receive a “SERVERNAME failed to receive a response from SERVERNAME after 15 seconds” error from the File I/O service that would drop the path and potentially cancel the Job. This has been fixed in 8.1.20.
- Improvements have been made to the performance of purging large amounts of Job Log entries from the SureSync database. This has been fixed in 8.1.20.
SQL Protection
- When using SQL Protection and a remote Communications Agent, if you made a successful connection to an agent and one of the services detected a path loss, no retry of the connection was attempted during a “ping” test. This could cause the path to drop unnecessarily. This has been fixed in 8.1.20.
- SQL Protection could generate harmless duplicate delete actions when thinning SQL backups. This would result in duplicate messages in the Job Log. This has been fixed in 8.1.20.
User Interface
- When exporting Job Logs, the export process would stop if it encountered a day with no records to export. Log records that occurred after that day were not exported. This has been fixed in 8.1.20.
- If you attempted to place a Real-Time Monitor on hold with the “Stop Real-Time Monitor and place it on hold” option and clicked No on the confirmation screen, the status of the Real-Time Monitor in the Desktop would incorrectly show as held until a Desktop restart. This has been fixed in 8.1.20.
- A “System.InvalidCastException: Conversion type ‘DBNull’ to type ‘String” is not valid” error could be reported from the Desktop when adding a new Computer when existing Jobs has certain specific configurations. This has been fixed in 8.1.20.
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SureSync 8.1.18 Known Issues
Version 8.1.18 was posted on August 4, 2021.
File Locking
- In a File Locking environment with more than 1,000 locks, the “Display All Locks” option in Detailed Status could cause excessive memory and CPU usage. With these long lists, it’s not possible to display the entire list without truncating the list making this feature not useful. The feature has been removed which resolves the issue. The option to view files with locks where a user was blocked remains. All locks can be released by stopping and starting the Monitor. This has been fixed in 8.1.19.
- In a File Locking environment with more than 1,000 active locks, memory and CPU time could increase to a level that affects communications. This can lead to a timeout and cause a Job to fail. This has been fixed in 8.1.19.
File Synchronization
- Jobs could be stopped with a “System.InvalidOperationException: The LinkedList nodes does not belong to the current LinkedList. This has been fixed in 8.1.19.
- Improvements have been made to the retry queue processing to improve removal of duplicate retries and to increase efficiency of the queue. This has been fixed in 8.1.19.
- Internal improvements have been made to SyncLockStatus to better handle environments where a SyncLockStatus user has a large amount of locks (thousands). This has been fixed in 8.1.19.
User Interface
- Changes were made to avoid enumerating security groups in executables where it was not necessary. This enumeration can produce a login failure in the Security Event Log. This has been fixed in 8.1.19.
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SureSync 8.1.17 Known Issues
Version 8.1.17 was posted on July 2, 2021.
File Synchronization
- A “System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null” error could occur that would stop the Job. This has been fixed in 8.1.18.
- In an environment where a UNC path is the source on a different server than the destination and the destination used an agent, it was possible to receive an “unable to create folder. The parameter is incorrect” error. This has been fixed in 8.1.18.
- In environments with multiple Schedulers, it was possible for Real-Time Monitors to be cancelled by SYSTEM incorrectly when one of the Scheduler machines was rebooted or offline when that Schedule resumed operation. This has been fixed in 8.1.18.
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SureSync 8.1.16 Known Issues
Version 8.1.16 was posted on April 27, 2021.
Communications Agent
- If a remote Communications Agent was the source of a file copy and that Agent crashed for some reason, the Job would not always properly promptly drop the path. This could result in the Job sitting for quite some time waiting for the file copy to complete. This has been fixed in 8.1.17.
File Synchronization
- When a Job had less than 1 day worth of Change Journal entries, the Job would repeatedly increase the Change Journal size on each Job execution. A “Change Journal size increased from x to y” exception would be logged for each path. This has been fixed in 8.1.17.
- A Job could encounter a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error that would stop the Job. This has been fixed in 8.1.17.
- If a folder was deleted and one of the remote copies of the folder had a SureSync temporary folder in it, it was possible that the delete of the remote folder would fail. This occurred because SureSync did not always successfully delete the contents of the temporary folder. This has been fixed in 8.1.17.
- In rare timing circumstances related to path losses, a file copy action could potentially be generated with no destination path. This would result in the event being retried repeatedly since it is not possible for it to complete. This has been fixed in 8.1.17.
- If a connection is lost to the source server during a file copy operation, under some circumstances a retry may be scheduled that loops, waiting on the original operation to complete. This creates unnecessary CPU utilization. This has been fixed in 8.1.17.
- If you performed a Preview of a multi-step Schedule and those Jobs used Change Journals, it was possible to get an error reporting that a root path was not available, and the Preview would cancel. This has been fixed in 8.1.17.
SQL Protection
- In rare circumstances, a SQL Protection Job could loop on a retry. This has been fixed in 8.1.17.
User Interface
- When performing a Browse in the user interface, it was possible to receive an “unexpected error when transmitting from AgentName1 to AgentName2. Error while sending configuration values. System.InvalidOperationException: No serializer defined for type: System.Object” message. This has been fixed in 8.1.17
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SureSync 8.1.15 Known Issues
Version 8.1.15 was posted on January 28, 2021.
- A “System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumerated operation may not execute” error could be logged repeatedly in the application event view when Endpoint was being used. This has been fixed in 8.1.16
File Locking
- In rare circumstances, a database query that should take milliseconds to complete could take minutes. This would result in the connection to the local journal service dropping which would prevent reporting and testing of lock status. In this scenario, locks would not be properly released. This has been fixed in 8.1.16.
File Synchronization
- When copying a file in a Job to more than 64 destination agents, a “System.NotSupportedException: The number of WaitHandles must be less than or equal to 64” error could occur. This has been fixed in 8.1.16.
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SureSync 8.1.14 Known Issues
Version 8.1.14 was posted on December 2, 2020.
File Locking
- In rare circumstances when using file locking, when a file was opened/renamed many times rapidly, it was possible for locks to not be released properly. This has been fixed in 8.1.15.
File Synchronization
- In rare timing circumstances, with many actions active at once, a path drop could cause all the actions to wait for a new direct connection that will never become available. This would stop the job from processing. This has been fixed in 8.1.15.
- With tracing on, a monitor could be placed on hold with a “System.Data.RowNotInTableException.” Tracing is only enabled at the guidance of the Software Pursuits support team to diagnose a problem, so this does not impact most environments. This has been fixed in 8.1.15.
- On a system that did not already have a copy of the Microsoft component Systems.Buffers.dll installed, e-mail alerts would fail with a “The system could not find the file specified” error. The installer now installs a copy of this component to avoid this potential problem. This has been fixed in 8.1.15.
User Interface
- The SureSync Desktop has been updated to correct invalid Listen Configuration settings for the Communications Agents in the database. If the Desktop detects a computer defined to use a Communications Agent and finds that the machine has no defined Listen Configurations, it will automatically create the default Listen Configurations. This has been fixed in 8.1.15.
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SureSync 8.1.13 Known Issues
Version 8.1.13 was posted on June 26, 2020.
Communications Agent
- Changes were made to the Change Journal service within the Communications Agent to optimize rename processing. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
- When a IP address was defined for a connection, instead of a DNS name / computer name, it was possible for a Communications Agent to incorrectly determine that it could send data directly to another Communications Agent when a direct agent-to-agent connection was not actually possible. This could result in files hanging during the file copy process which would result in a path loss. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
File Synchronization
- If you rename a file or a folder, changing only its case, the change might not be recognized. A re-scan of folders will discover the case change and update the corresponding files. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
- On a machine with very fast I/O, it was possible to have a Move Rule fail to delete files on the source after the move was complete. This would occur because the file system had not yet released the handle SureSync had on the file when it was copied. A delay has been inserted between retries to allow time for the operating system to release the handle. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
- When processing hidden and system files on a Real-Time Monitor with file locking enabled, it was possible that a lock might not be released. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
- In rare circumstances, with locking enabled on a Real-Time Monitor, it was possible for the local agent to lose connection to itself. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
- When requesting Journal tracing, it was possible for the Job to incorrectly turn these traces off. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
- In rare circumstance, very large quantities of Change Journal records to process could cause the local agent to lose connection to itself. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
- In a Schedule, when an open file was encountered on a destination, the file would not be properly retried. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
User Interface
- When running with an Access database, you could receive a “System.Data.OleDb.Exception: No Value given for one or more required parameters” error when launching the SureSync Desktop. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
- In the Log Viewer, if you have thousands of log records, the program could slow down significantly populating the log list. If you launch the Job Log Viewer by right clicking on a Job, a filter will be applied automatically to show only that Job’s entries. You can change the filters on the log to display different Jobs. If you launch the Log Viewer from the ribbon bar without a selection, you could experience delays in this type of environment. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
- The Desktop UI was incorrectly allowing a user to define both the “Discontinue date” and the “Stop Time” options on a Schedule. On a Schedule, only one option can be used at a time. This has been fixed in 8.1.14.
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SureSync 8.1.12 Known Issues
Version 8.1.12 was posted on April 16, 2020.
Communications Agent
- Adapter settings defined with the Local Agent Configuration utility would be incorrectly removed when a Job was ran. You would not notice this removal until the agent was restarted. This has been fixed in 8.1.13.
Enterprise Status
- Enterprise Status has been updated related to environments with multiple Schedulers. If a Job/Schedule/Monitor is running, it will display which Scheduler is running it. If held and allowed to run on any Scheduler, it will list all Schedulers until started on a specific Scheduler. If held and defined to run on only a specific Scheduler, it will list just that Scheduler. This change makes it easier to determine what Jobs are running where in a multiple Scheduler environment. This change has been made in 8.1.13.
Job Log
- If a Real-Time Monitor ran for longer than the number of days defined for retaining the job log records, the header for the job log entry would be incorrectly deleted. This would hide the log records from the log viewer. This has been fixed in 8.1.13.
File Synchronization
- SyncFiles has been updated to eliminate the use of a transaction when updating the Nodes table to schedule a re-scan. It was possible for this transaction to timeout. This could produce errors such as “System.InvalidOperationException: The transaction associated with the current connection has completed but has not been disposed. The transaction must be disposed before the connection can be used to execute SQL statements.” This has been fixed in 8.1.13.
User Interface
- On the license activation panel, if you had many machines where the list is longer than the size of the window, select all would only select the visible machines. This has been fixed in 8.1.13.
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SureSync 8.1.11 Known Issues
Version 8.1.11 was posted on March 18, 2020.
File Synchronization
- It was possible to encounter a “Block received for terminated file copy. No FileIOItem GUID passed for RootPath=” error that would occur frequently enough to cause a Real-Time Monitor to cancel. This has been fixed in 8.1.12.
- If a user renamed/moved a folder to a new location and performed actions in the new location, it was possible for those new actions to not be processed. This was caused by an issue in caching code. Depending on the level of activity in an environment, it’s possible the cached entries for the folders would be purged from the cache and there would be no issue with a missed action. All Communications Agents in an environment must be updated to fully implement the fix. A rescan of all Jobs is recommended when convenient to ensure any missed actions are processed. This has been fixed in 8.1.12.
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SureSync 8.1.10 Known Issues
Version 8.1.10 was posted on February 27, 2020.
- A new feature has been added to Alerting. On an Alert Profile (configured in Options | Alerts | Alerts Profiles), new options exist to write the alert messages to the Windows Application Event Log and to suppress sending e-mails with the profile. This allows administrators to notify about alerts either by e-mail, Windows Event Log message, or both. This has been fixed in 8.1.11.
File Synchronization
- It was possible to encounter a loop when a Change Journal size needed to be increased. This would occur when a command to increase the Change Journal completed without error, but the Change Journal size did not increase. This would cause another attempt to increase the Change Journal size, eventually resulting in a timeout after 5 minutes. This has been fixed in 8.1.11.
User Interface
- A NullReference error was possible when adding/removing users/groups from the Security tab of a Computer record in the SureSync Desktop. This has been fixed in 8.1.11.
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SureSync 8.1.9 Known Issues
Version 8.1.9 was posted on October 11, 2019.
- If you process an Alert and mark it to retry a path that is the root path, a harmless “File Not Found” error may be reported. This has been fixed in 8.1.10.
- SyncDBLib restricted a retry path length to 255 characters. If the table contained a longer path, a System.Data.ConstaintException: Failed to enable constaints error would occur. This has been fixed in 8.1.10.
File Synchronization
- In rare circumstances, where a change event is queued where a duplicate action just completed, the retry would wait for the completed action and the completed action processing is blocked by the queued retry. This retry loop could result in increased CPU usage. This has been fixed in 8.1.10.
- When a job is terminating, typically as a job within a schedule, it might loop and block attempts to cancel the job. This has been fixed in 8.1.10.
- In a long running scan, scan statistics could end up not being saved correctly. When the job starts to read journal events, it could think the journal backlog is too long and schedule another full scan. This has been fixed in 8.1.10.
- Changes were made to the APIs used to interact with UNC paths. This has been fixed in 8.1.10.
- A “System.InvalidOperationException: The LinkedList node does not belong to current LinkedList” error could occur. This has been fixed in 8.1.10.
- The file size filter was being applied to folder entries, which was incorrect. This re-scheduled processing the folders, but they could never be retried due to the file size filter. This could result in a backlog of too many retries queued which would block new actions from being processed. This has been fixed in 8.1.10.
Job Log
- If you attempt to delete Job Log records with the Log Viewer utility in a country that does not format dates a month/day/year, you may get an SQL Exception when you attempt the delete. This has been fixed in 8.1.10.
- A NullReferenceException may be reported from the Scheduler in some rare timing situations. This is reported in the SureSync log under “unscheduled events”, since the error is not associated with a job. The error has no consequence and can be ignored. This has been fixed in 8.1.10
- If SyncLockStatus was configured with long message timeouts (such as 60 seconds), new pop-up messages could fail to replace old messages and instead wait in a queue. This could result in some messages either not being displayed or displayed out of order. This has been fixed in 8.1.10.
User Interface
- In the SureSync Desktop, when attempting to delete a job with large amounts of file history it could appear that the Desktop was hung. It actually was processing the deletes in the database. Improvements have been made to disable the Desktop so it’s clearer that processing is taking place. This has been fixed in 8.1.10.
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SureSync 8.1.8 Known Issues
Version 8.1.8 was posted on August 6, 2019.
Communications Agent
- Journal and Status connections in the Communications Agent were being established between agents when not needed. This could result in unnecessary overhead and could trigger unnecessary path drops. This has been fixed in 8.1.9.
File Synchronization
- If a Job accessed a path that was marked as a Scheduler (other than the one running the Job), the path would be dropped incorrectly. This has been fixed in 8.1.9.
- A series of corrections and optimizations has been made to internally recover from minor communications issues without dropping a path. In addition, these changes help make path recovery more durable. This has been fixed in 8.1.9.
- When files are altered from an external source, an internal journal entry may be generated that does not have a normal folder path. The presence of the entry can trigger a full scan of a root path because the path could not be determined from the journal entry. This has been fixed in 8.1.9.
- In rare instances, when an FRN is not found in the Change Journal, a full scan must be triggered. This could result in a deadlock in the Job, which would have to be terminated with an “End Process” in Task Manager. This has been fixed in 8.1.9.
- If you set the Journal to be traced for all Jobs via the Options tab and the Job did not explicitly request a Journal trace, the Journal trace may not be generated. This has been fixed in 8.1.9.
- Corrections for file resumes were made. This has been fixed in 8.1.9.
User Interface
- The SureSync Desktop was incorrectly preventing listen connections on two different machines from sharing an access name but having a different listen port. This type of configuration is useful when you have two computers behind one firewall with only a single IP address. You can define the same IP address as the access name for the two computers in SureSync and port forward the different listen ports to the correct machines. This has been fixed in 8.1.9.
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SureSync 8.1.7 Known Issues
Version 8.1.7 was posted on May 22, 2019.
Communications Agent
- The journal service within the Communications Agent has been updated to use an older Windows API on servers before Windows 2016 due to some problems related to receiving all journal events on the newer API. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- A correction has been made to caching in the journal service of the Communications Agent to address an issue where in rare circumstances events could be missed. A scan was needed to synchronize the missed files. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- If accessing a UNC path via a remote Communications Agent, it was possible to receive a “System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The parameter is incorrect” error. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- Optimizations have been made to the delta processing routines to minimize CPU and memory usage. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- Copying from an Access database into a SQL database could produce a “Your SureSync database is not compatible with this release of SureSync” message. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- Corrections were made to the shutdown process when a Scheduler was terminated in an environment with a large number of Endpoint clients. Some clients would signal during the shutdown and cause NullReferenceException errors to occur. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- Optimizations have been made to processing large amounts of status updates in an Endpoint environment with hundreds of clients reporting back status events at once. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- In Endpoint, the Endpoint client was testing the I/O connection instead of the status connection to the remote Scheduler. This would result in a path to the server being dropped, causing a 2 path Job to fail. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
File Synchronization
- When enabling the “Copy Date Created and Access Date for files copied to this path option on the Options tab of a path, folder create dates will now be copied as well. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- In environments with a lot of frequent connection issues, enhancements were made to reestablish a connection without going through the entire drop/reconnect process. This is an optimization to prevent unnecessary reporting of offline paths. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- In some environments, a “Ignoring publish of agent configuration data to a different machine that is running a SureSync Scheduler” could occur incorrectly. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- Diagnostic tracing enhancements have been made. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- A “Retry count exceeded. Action canceled due to another error or user cancel request. This action will not be retried errors could occur due to a change made to path recovery.” error could occur. This could result in remote paths being dropped unnecessarily. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- An inefficiency when processing a large folder structure related to removing cached entries has been corrected. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
- An error in Change Journal processing on ReFS volumes was corrected. We recommend that you perform a rescan on any Schedule or Real-Time Monitor with an ReFS root path. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
User Interface
- A System.Data.StrongTypingException: The value for column ‘TimeoutSeconds’ in table ‘Servers’ is DBNull. System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type ‘DBNull’ to type ‘Short’ is not valid. message could occur on launching the Desktop. This has been fixed in 8.1.8.
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SureSync 8.1.6 Known Issues
Version 8.1.6 was posted on April 19, 2019.
Communications Agent
- In rare circumstances, a spinlock deadlock could occur in the Communications Agent. This could lead to high CPU usage on the system. This has been fixed in 8.1.7.
File Synchronization
- When a subscription to the status service was removed, it was possible for an “Error Number: 1024 System.Threading.SynchronizationLockException: The lock is being disposed while still being used. It either is being held by a thread and/or has active waiters waiting to acquire the lock” error. This would be followed by a “Error Number: 1042 System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.” These errors would appear in the Event Viewer and either the Communications Agent and/or Scheduler service could be stopped. This has been fixed in 8.1.7.
Status Web
- A performance optimization was made to Status Web related to environments with large lists of Jobs. This has been fixed in 8.1.7.
SQL Protection
- A System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Invalid value specified for EXPIREDATE parameter error could occur when doing a SQL restore with SQL Protection when the date format on the machine is set to British. This has been fixed in 8.1.7.
User Interface
- In the Computer wizard, if you clicked back and attempted to modify the name you entered it would not be accepted. This has been fixed in 8.1.7.
- If credentials for accessing the SureSync database changed, the Desktop was not properly prompting for new credentials. This has been fixed in 8.1.7.
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SureSync 8.1.5 Known Issues
Version 8.1.5 was posted on November 26, 2018.
Communications Agent
- When starting a Communications Agent service, it was possible for NullReference errors in the Application Event Log. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- In environments with many Jobs, particularly when all the Jobs start up at once, delays could occur due to the publishing of agent configuration information. This could result in high CPU usage, timeouts and path drops. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- A change has been made to avoid continually retrying a connection where the computer name is defined in a local agent configuration utility as a DNS name to reach a remote machine and that connection fails. An incorrect local configuration like this can lead to excessive unproductive retries that can add overhead. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- Corrections were made to Change Journal caching. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- In environments with many Jobs running concurrently, the status service could timeout trying to process all the requests. This would lead to additional failures due to the timeout. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
File Synchronization
- Files with a temporary attribute were excluded from processing. The temporary attribute can only be set in code by a program. This flag is used to avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available because the application will immediately be deleting the file when the handle is closed. If an application was setting this flag on a file that was intended to be stored and replicated, it would have been skipped. Temporary attribute files will now be processed. If you set the option to skip temporary files (different than temporary file attribute), files with the temporary file attribute will be skipped as well. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- A single file copy that takes more than 15 minutes to complete may fail with the message “failed to report progress on a file copy operation after 15 minutes.” The copy may resume the next time the Job is started, completing the file copy. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- When a timeout would occur while checking a connection to a remote agent, status requests from other Jobs and the Scheduler could become blocked and timeout. This is very timing specific and requires a connection to fail and the Agent to receive an internal ping request at the same time. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- When searching for a single file existence with FTP, an error could be raised. This could incorrectly trigger additional errors. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- On operation systems prior to 2012, SureSync failed to cache folder locations, causing slow path lookups when processing journal entries. Folder deletes were especially slow and may account for timeouts in other operations. The timeouts would drop paths. All agents should be updated to fully implement this fix but the SureSync machine is the most important. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- A change was made in the locking used when creating new folders to not block when checking to see if a folder exists. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- A correction was made to prevent the journal traces from being terminated when tracing of all journals was requested via the Computer options. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- An internal NullReferenceException error could occur when a connection was dropped. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- When a new folder is created, it was possible for security values to not be compared on the folders. This would result in permissions not being copied on the folder when security copying was defined. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- A change was made in the Scheduler to ignore duplicate requests for job status updates. These would happen when many Jobs were started at once. Each request could take up to a minute when a large Job list is present. This could result in a timeout. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- A NullReference exception could occur within the Scheduler. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- In environments with many Jobs/Schedules/Monitors, it was possible for the Scheduler to encounter errors publishing status to the status service. This could lead to additional communications errors between other components. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
Status Web
- If you clicked on Alerts for a standalone Job in Status Web, alerts were incorrectly shown for all Jobs. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- If a Scheduler was restarted or a connection dropped and reconnected, the Jobs for that Scheduler must be republished to Status Web. In this situation, the republished Jobs were not appearing in Status Web until a manual browser refresh. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- If a new Job was added to the SureSync environment, an existing Status Web session in a browser would not display this new Job until the Status Web AppPool is recycled. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- A performance optimization has been made to the Status service related to publishing Jobs for Status Web. This should help improve the initial population of Job data for Status Web clients when a Scheduler comes online with many Jobs. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
SQL Protection
- Diagnostic SQL Protection tracing could throw an exception. This would only be enabled when requested by the support team. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- If a restore was performed in SQL Protection, SQL Protection may think that the restore was performed later than the one we are preparing. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- It was possible for a Job to produce NullReferenceException errors in certain conditions. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
User Interface
- On an operating system configured to run with the German language, the grid in the Log Viewer was encountering an issue where the headers would not display correctly, and you could not adjust the width of columns. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- Corrections were made to the refresh button of the desktop. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- When creating a new computer, it was possible for the desktop to not refresh. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
- Corrections were made to copy/paste operations in the Desktop. This has been fixed in
- When using an Access database, it was possible to receive a “System.Data.OleDBException: Operation must use an updateable query” error when launching the Desktop. This has been fixed in 8.1.6.
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SureSync 8.1.4 Known Issues
Version 8.1.4 was posted on September 12, 2018.
Communications Agent
- Diagnostic tracing was added for the Status service. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- When a Job is deleted, the Status service could result a harmless NullReferenceException. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- A NullReference error would occur upon closing Endpoint from the system tray after defining a trace output folder in the UI. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
File Locking
- If locks are created on a remote machine, the files are closed and the job is notified of the close, but the actions are delayed, the locks may not be released if the connection is re-established before the actions execute. This is very timing specific. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
File Synchronization
- If permission changes were made within 1 hour of the matching file being created, we selected the file with the later create date instead of the path with the change. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- System.Data.DBConcurrencyException: Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records could occur. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- A Schedule might wait for activity on a volume if a completed action was the last activity on the volume. The Schedule would complete once there is any other change on the volume. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- In certain circumstances, if multiple Jobs were placed under a single Real-Time Monitor, it was possible that all actions would not be successfully performed. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- In Preview, a NullReferenceException could occur when trying to override a folder. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- When running a Job from a Preview, the Job could hang. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- A System.InvalidOperationException: DataTable internal index is corrupted: ‘5’. error could occur in the Scheduler. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
Status Web
- Corrections have been made to the license import and license tab of the Status Web Configuration utility. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- It was possible for a NullReference error to occur on the start of the Scheduler service in environments with Status Web where a group folder record in the database was not found. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- An option was added to Status Web to allow the selection of 50 jobs per page. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- An indicator was added to Status Web to show when a Scheduler is disconnected. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- Retry code was added to Status Web to recover a connection to a Scheduler that dropped. This change requires updating Status Web and all machines running a SureSync Scheduler that Status Web connects to. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
SQL Protection
- If a SQL Protection Job had a large amount of backup history, SureSync would attempt to return all of it which could cause the communication channel to fault and the backup to not execute. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- In SQL Protection, if a database on the destination server is in Restoring state, an error “System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: ALTER DATABASE is not permitted while a database is in the Restoring state. ALTER DATABASE statement failed.” could occur. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
User Interface
- Items under a Group Folder could be abandoned in the database if the Group Folder was deleted before those items. A correction has been made to detect this issue and assign the abandoned items to the Default Group. Abandoned items would not appear in the Desktop, even though they are in the database. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- Corrections have been made to creating outbound connections. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
- Corrections have been made to publishing Listen Configuration changes to remote agents. This has been fixed in 8.1.5.
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SureSync 8.1.3 Known Issues
Version 8.1.3 was posted on July 13, 2018.
Communications Agent
- In some rare circumstances with slower machines and a large number of active jobs, it was possible for spin locks used in status to cause the jobs to slow down and the Agent to potentially become CPU bound. This has been fixed in 8.1.4.
- A fix was made to address a rare circumstance where CPU usage could spike to 100% on the Communications Agent service. This has been fixed in 8.1.4.
File Synchronization
- f the option to skip system and hidden files was selected on the Options tab of the Job, it was possible for folders to not be unnested in a scan. This has been fixed in 8.1.4.
Status Web
- A correction was made to Status Web to address a licensing problem that could occur when importing a permanent license. This has been fixed in 8.1.4.
User Interface
- A fix was made to copy and paste functionality in the Desktop. This has been fixed in 8.1.4.
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SureSync 8.1.2 Known Issues
Version 8.1.2 was posted on July 3, 2018.
Communications Agent
- A correction was made to the Local Agent Configuration utility and the handling of filtering by NIC when IPv4 and IPv6 addresses were present on the same adapter. This has been fixed in 8.1.3.
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SureSync 8.1.1 Known Issues
Version 8.1.1 was posted on June 22, 2018.
File Synchronization
- You may see exception messages for a job that report a “machine performance issue.” This is reported when the job suspects that the I/O system on a machine is performing unusually slow. In rare circumstances, this could be reported when no problem was present. This has been fixed in 8.1.2.
- When diagnostic tracing was enabled, it was possible for an agent or a Job to become unresponsive. This has been fixed in 8.1.2.
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SureSync 8.0.25 Known Issues
Version 8.0.25 was posted on June 8, 2018.
Please note no special instructions are needed for updating to 8.1.1. Simply update your environment according to the same updating instructions previously used to move from a 8.x version to a newer one.
Communications Agent
- Certain data and timing could result in too much data being placed in a buffer. This would generate a fault on the connection producing a path drop. The path would recover and the action be retried. This may or may not succeed potentially producing a large amount of frequent path drops. While this version is fully backward compatible with older versions of 8.x, you will not receive this fix to a particular Communications Agent machine unless that machine is updated to 8.1.1. It is recommended to update all machines to 8.1.1 as soon as possible to fully implement the fix. This has been fixed in 8.1.1.
File Locking
- The file locking driver will not ignore write opens from the SYSTEM account. BitDefender Endpoint Security Tools in some configurations appears to use write handles during scans resulting in a large amount of unnecessary locking. This has been fixed in 8.1.1.
User Interface
- In certain situations, a test connections could return an “object reference not set to an instance of an object” error. This has been fixed in 8.1.1.
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SureSync 8.0.24 Known Issues
Version 8.0.24 was posted on April 23, 2018.
- When restoring a file with ArchiveSync if there was a change in file attributes, such as the Read-Only attribute, the restore of the file would fail indicating that the source did not match the expected values. This has been fixed in 8.0.25.
Communications Agent
- The timeout in the Communications Agent has been increased from 5 minutes to 10 minutes to allow for very slow file system responses to requests. This has been fixed in 8.0.25.
- In certain timing circumstances, a communications fault on the Communications Agent I/O service could go undetected until another I/O operation was attempted. This has been fixed in 8.0.25.
- In rare timing circumstances in environments with frequent path losses and recoveries, it was possible for the Communications Agent to become 100% CPU bound and for files to then not be processed. This has been fixed in 8.0.25.
File Synchronization
- The e-mail alert send routines have been updated to support newer security protocols for sending e-mail via Internet mail servers such as Gmail where TLS/SSL is used. This has been fixed in 8.0.25.
- When there was an error on a destination, it was possible for the source to also be flagged as being in error. This would result in an incorrect over reporting condition where the source was reported in the log along with the destination. This has been fixed in 8.0.25.
- If a Job was configured to copy create dates, messages about being unable to determine the source for changed security values messages could occur in the log even though security copying was not enabled. This has been fixed in 8.0.25.
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SureSync 8.0.23 Known Issues
Version 8.0.23 was posted on April 2, 2018.
File Synchronization
- In rare timing circumstances, where dozens of path loss events were occurring in rapid succession, the was possible for orphaned file copies to not be released properly. This could eventually cause actions on the Job to stop or nearly so. This has been fixed in 8.0.24.
- In rare instances, an I/O cancel request could make an agent become unresponsive. This has been fixed in 8.0.24.
- Fixes were made to the file rename process to prevent add/delete instead of rename processing of a rename event as much as possible. This has been fixed in 8.0.24.
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SureSync 8.0.22 Known Issues
Version 8.0.22 was posted on December 4, 2017.
Communications Agent
- A correction was made in very specific timing circumstances for delta copies. The source agent would not report progress on a delta file copy operation. The copy would complete but the rename from the SureSync temp folder would not be triggered in this condition. As a result, the old version could get selected as a source and copied to the other destinations. All agents that could be a source for a file copy must be updated to fully receive this fix. This has been fixed in 8.0.23.
File Archiving
- Corrections have been made to archive restores. This has been fixed in 8.0.23.
File Synchronization
- A fix has been made to backup root purging. In certain circumstances, files might not be purged correctly. This has been fixed in 8.0.23.
- In certain timing circumstances, a VSS open could take an unexpectedly long amount of time and lead to a timeout. This would result in “ServerA lost connection to ServerB” type message and an unnecessary path drop. This has been fixed in 8.0.23.
- In a multi-way Rule with Advanced Open File Support (VSS) enabled, if you opened a file, made a change, and then copy/paste replaced the current file with an old version of the file while a VSS retry was pending, it was possible to have the newer version “win” and replace the old version. This is very timing and sequence specific. This has been fixed in 8.0.23.
- The /E operand has been added to SyncCmd to allow for the testing of all Communications Agents connections stored in the SureSync database into a tab separated output file. Please see the help file for further details.
User Interface
- When using SQL authentication for the SureSync database, you would receive an authentication error launching the Log Viewer from Enterprise Status. This has been fixed in 8.0.23.
- A small correction was made to the licensing display. This has been fixed in 8.0.23.
- The Telerik controls have been updated. This has been fixed in 8.0.23.
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SureSync 8.0.21 Known Issues
Version 8.0.21 was posted on September 15, 2017.
- When editing a Profile name or Recipient Addresses in Alert Profiles, any text entered would overwrite the existing text. To add text without the overwriting of existing text, insert had to be pressed. This has been fixed in 8.0.22.
- When adding a recipient address in an Alert, if the format was entered incorrectly and then corrected, the message “the recipient’s e-mail address is not in a valid format” error. This has been fixed in 8.0.22.
- When entering multiple e-mail addresses into an alert, if you separated the addresses with a, and a space you would receive a “The recipient’s e-mail address is not in a valid format” message. With no space, it would work fine. This has been fixed in 8.0.22.
- Changing the Profile Name field in Alerts and applying the change did not update the drop-down until the desktop was closed and opened again. This has been fixed in 8.0.22.
- If you created an Alert Filter for a Schedule/Real-Time Monitor, made changes to the settings, and then deleted a different Alert Profile, all Alert Filters would be incorrectly removed. This has been fixed in 8.0.22.
Communications Agent
- In rare timing situations, it was possible to receive a “ServerA failed to receive a response from ServerA after x minutes” message from the File I/O service. This has been fixed in 8.0.22.
Enterprise Status
- The Start All / Stop All buttons in Enterprise Status would not work correctly with multiple Schedulers defined. This has been fixed in 8.0.22.
File Synchronization
- Added filter options to the file size filter to apply to only zero-byte files or apply to all files larger than zero bytes. This has been fixed in 8.0.22.
- When running a Preview and the Job canceled due to something like not enough root paths, it was possible to receive a “Attempt to send Cancel request to job failed” message. This could be followed by a slowdown in the program and an “object reference not set” error. This has been fixed in
Status Web
- Status Web prompts on stop/start of a Job can now be updated without needing to recycle the application pool on the IIS web site Status Web resides in. This has been fixed in 8.0.22.
- Fixes have been made to the sort order functionality in Status Web. Both SureSync and Status Web must be updated. This has been fixed in 8.0.22.
User Interface
- In the SureSync Desktop, it was possible to receive a “you have unsaved changes” pop-up when moving between Group Folders when no changes had been made. This has been fixed in 8.0.22.
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SureSync 8.0.20 Known Issues
Version 8.0.20 was posted on August 21, 2017.
File Synchronization
- If a job is cancelled with a journal entry that has been read and queued, but not yet processed, and another action completes after the journal entry was received and before the job termination, an incorrect journal checkpoint could be written. This could cause the change to not be recognized when the job is restarted. The timing required for the error to occur is very tight, so the probability of an occurrence is low, but it could have happened. A re-scan of all root paths is recommended. This has been fixed in 8.0.21.
Real-Time Monitors
- With a Real-Time Monitor, if an action completes after the Monitor moved into a “between intervals” state, a loop could occur until the next Interval starts that would increase SyncFiles.exe CPU consumption. This has been fixed in 8.0.21.
Status Applications
- In uncommon conditions, the Scheduler may report status that causes a NullReferenceException in Enterprise Status or Status Web. The error does not terminate the program, but may display obsolete status. This has been fixed in 8.0.21.
- With Status Web is installed in the Default Web Site in IIS, the Alert and Log buttons were unresponsive. This has been fixed in 8.0.21.
User Interface
- In the SureSync Desktop, copy/paste functionality has been added to the Endpoint tab. In addition, you can now create multiple Endpoint Group Folders and move Endpoint Monitors between those folders. This has been fixed in 8.0.21.
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SureSync 8.0.19 Known Issues
Version 8.0.19 was posted on July 12, 2017.
- If a SQL Server/Client is defined to use only TLS 1.2, a database create would fail. This could occur by creating a new database with the SureSync Desktop or when performing an upgrade. Changes have been made to the database creation process to support TLS 1.2 only environments. This has been fixed in 8.0.20.
- With Endpoint, if you remove a configured server and add another one, the connection would establish but the Jobs would not be started until the Endpoint client was stopped and restarted. This has been fixed in 8.0.20.
File Synchronization
- In rare circumstances where an error occurs while enumerating the contents of a folder, it was possible for the Job to hang in some timing and database state conditions. The same error could happen if deleting an encrypted file if there is no prior file history for the file. this has been fixed in 8.0.20.
- If you have a very large folder scan (usually one that takes longer than an hour) and that scan is interrupted and restarted, it is possible that some subfolder scans could be discarded. After upgrading to 8.0.20, it is recommended to right click on each Schedule/Monitor and select “Rescan files” to ensure all data has been processed. This has been fixed in 8.0.20.
- When communication between remote agents were routed through the SureSync machine, a large number of transmissions could be queued which could drive up memory and CPU usage when processing a multi-gigabyte file. This has been fixed in 8.0.20.
User Interface
- When running from a Job from a Preview, it was possible to receive an “Unexpected error processing file. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” This has been fixed in 8.0.20.
- When deleting an Outbound Connection, a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” message would occur in the SureSync Desktop. This has been fixed in 8.0.20.
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SureSync 8.0.18 Known Issues
Version 8.0.18 was posted on May 17, 2017.
File Locking
- When using the alternate locking method, it was possible for a file rename to produce a loop and not be processed corrected. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
File Synchronization
- If running a Trial Run on a Job, it was possible to receive System.NullReferenceException and System.InvalidOperationException errors when a backup root thinning operation interfered with normal processing. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
- Corrections and optimizations have been made to the process of automatically purging job log records from the database. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
- A “System.IndexOutOfRange” error could occur which would cancel a Real-Time Monitor or Schedule. This would occur because of a bad retry record. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
- If a large number of open file retries were queued, it was possible for Change Journal event processing to slow down which would cause change events to not be immediately recognized. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
- FTP controls have been updated to the latest version. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
Status Web
- Corrections have been made to Status Web to address page loads where an icon might be missing. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
- Status Web has been significantly enhanced to include a new login panel, the ability to view Log records and the ability to process alerts. To view logs and process alerts, the web server running Status Web must be able to access the SureSync SQL server. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
SQL Protection
- The “Reschedule Point” option was missing from SQL Protection Schedules. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
- In rare instances, when SyncLockStatus is launched automatically after a reboot, it was possible to receive a ‘System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: An exception occurred during the operation, making the results invalid.’ error. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
User Interface
- In the SureSync Desktop, when creating a new Rule for a Job under a Real-Time Monitor, the newly created Rule would show under the Jobs node but not directly under the Real-Time Monitor until the Desktop was launched again. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
- Corrections have been made to Enterprise Status handling multiple Schedulers with the same database open. In this scenario, each Job/Schedule/Monitor will list each Scheduler and you will be prompted to select which should execute the item. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
- It was possible to receive an “Unrecognized GUID format” error upon launching the SureSync Desktop if bad data was entered into the connection details for a server. Additional validation has been added to the SureSync Desktop to prevent the issue. This has been fixed in 8.0.19.
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SureSync 8.0.17 Known Issues
Version 8.0.17 was posted on May 3, 2017.
- When upgrading a v5 database to v8, it was possible to receive an “arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow” error. This has been fixed in 8.0.18.
File Locking
- When running a Real-Time Monitor with file locking on a path with a reparse point, it is possible for a file on the reparse point which is locked to be allowed to be deleted. The events on this reparse point do not show to the locking driver. An alternative locking method has been introduced that can be turned on by enabling the option on the Options tab of the computer. This setting must be published to the machine in question. This may be helpful in getting around the problem but will not function with SyncLockStatus. This has been fixed in 8.0.18.
File Synchronization
- When running with tracing enabled (diagnostic support use only), it was possible for a Communications Agent serviced to crash with a “The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception” error in SPILog.CloseLogFile(). This has been fixed in 8.0.18.
- When using a SQL database with SQL authentication, the Scheduler would not correctly launch Schedules and Real-Time Monitors. An error in the Application Event Viewer would complain of an invalid logon even though the same items would run manually from the SureSync Desktop. This has been fixed in 8.0.18.
- An option has been added to the Scheduler tab of Options to allow a random delay in the start time of a Schedule. This is useful when you’re running a large number of Schedules that execute at the same time copying files to the same destination machine. It can help distribute load on that machine. This has been fixed in 8.0.18.
User Interface
- In a SQL Protection wizard, some unnecessary prompts were being displayed upon changing certain options. This has been fixed in 8.0.18.
- The Replace Machine References function has been updated with SQL Protection to update the server\instance name of the source database if the machine defined matches the same machine defined for the source staging root. This has been fixed in 8.0.18.
- When adding a user account to Group Folder security, the Security tab on items under the group folder was not refreshing to show the added user. This has been fixed in 8.0.18.
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SureSync 8.0.16 Known Issues
Version 8.0.16 was posted on April 18, 2017.
File Synchronization
- A “System.Data.DeletedRowInaccessibleException: Deleted row information cannot be accessed through the row” error could occur on Job startup when a configuration change was published to a remote agent and more than one connection configuration was deleted for a machine in the update. This has been fixed in 8.0.17.
- If a Job was configured to skip system and hidden files using the new option on the Options tab of a Job (introduced in 7.0.16), it was possible for journal events to be skipped and files to not be processed. A scan would process the files correctly. This has been fixed in 8.0.17.
User Interface
- SQL Protection jobs can now be executed from Enterprise Status. This has been fixed in 7.0.17.
- An Enterprise Status button has been added to the Ribbon Bar on the SQL Protection tab. This has been fixed in 8.0.17.
SureSync 8.0.15 Known Issues
Version 8.0.15 was posted on April 4, 2017.
File Synchronization
- When using file locking, a file delete may not be recognized as having occurred and no action is triggered. A re-scan of the folder would trigger the missing action. This has been fixed in 8.0.16.
User Interface
- The ‘Time between retries (hours:minutes) setting on the Options tab of a Real-Time Monitor would not save when changed from the default 5 minutes. This has been fixed in 8.0.16.
- A “NullReferenceException” error could occur when clicking the ‘Back’ button in the New Computer wizard. This has been fixed in 8.0.16.
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SureSync 8.0.14 Known Issues
Version 8.0.14 was posted on March 7, 2017.
File Synchronization
- When running a Job with UNC paths, it was possible for the Job to repeatedly perform a license check on each execution when it was not necessary and could cause a slight delay in execution times. This has been fixed in 8.0.15.
- When running a Job with UNC paths that required a credential on the path, it was possible to receive an invalid “Unable to connect to the UNC share name. Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name are not allowed” error. This is due to an API issue in the operating system but a circumvention was created to avoid the problem. This has been fixed in 8.0.15.
- A deadlock could occur when there were simultaneous path drops and reconnects on the same machine. This could cause all new connections to be blocked which would halt processing of files. This has been fixed in 8.0.15.
- When processing a file with sparse data streams, a “Hash Mismatch” error would occur and the file would not be processed. This has been fixed in 8.0.15.
- When delta processing completed on a file, it was possible to see a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” message in the Application Event Viewer. This has been fixed in 8.0.15.
- When renaming a file with “allow user access to the source files being copied” enabled, if the new file name did not exist VSS could be dropped for the file. This could result in a file in use message when trying to open the file before synchronization completed. This has been fixed in 8.0.15.
User Interface
- In the SureSync Desktop, a test connection to a remote Communications Agent was not returning the install status of Remote Differential Compression. This has been fixed in 8.0.15.
- In the SureSync Desktop, when copying and pasting a Schedule or Real-Time Monitor, the alert profile settings were not retained in the copy. This has been fixed in 8.0.15.
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SureSync 8.0.13 Known Issues
Version 8.0.13 was posted on February 1, 2017.
Communications Agent
- Changes were made to reduce the CPU usage of the Communications Agent process in some circumstances. This has been fixed in 8.0.14.
File Synchronization
- In a Schedule that executes multiple Jobs, it was possible for one Job to complete but not move onto the next step in the Schedule. This occurred when there were no new Change Journal events from the drive, which is unusual, except when accessing an external drive. This has been fixed in 8.0.14.
- When using SQL Authentication for a SQL database, the correct credential was not always being used by the Scheduler service. This has been fixed in 8.0.14.
- A System.Data.InvalidConstraintException: ForeignKeyConstraint error could occur that would cancel a Job. This has been fixed in 8.0.14.
Real-Time Monitors
- A Real-Time Monitor could be cancelled with a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error caused by a bad RulePathsRow record in the database for a Job under the Monitor. This has been fixed in 8.0.14.
- Enterprise Status and Status Web has been enhanced to allow manually executed items to prompt for a comment line. This can be used for things such as authorization codes. The comment is stored in the Job Started entry in the log viewer. To enable this support, you must click on a Group Folder and check the “prompt user for a code when manually starting jobs in this folder” option. This has been fixed in 8.0.14.
- An option has been added to prompt for a comment line on the cancel of an item in Enterprise Status or Status Web. To enable this option, check “Prompt user for a code when manually canceling jobs in the folder.” on the General tab of the Group Folder. This has been fixed in 8.0.14.
- Corrections were made to the status service related to the display of standalone Jobs in Enterprise Status and Status Web. This has been fixed in 8.0.14.
Status Web
- In Status Web, changing the sort order or refreshing the page could result in some icons not loading. This has been fixed in 8.0.14.
User Interface
- In the SureSync Desktop, a change made to the file size filter option would not enable the “Apply” button unless you clicked off to another tab and back or if you check/uncheck another option. This has been fixed in 8.0.14.
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SureSync 8.0.12 Known Issues
Version 8.0.12 was posted on December 20, 2016.
File Locking
- With file locking, if a folder was renamed multiple times before the rename was processed, a folder lock could remain. This could happen with a file rename as well. This has been fixed in 8.0.13.
File Synchronization
- Some foreign language character set encoding settings can allow two files to exist in the same directory which appear to be the same name but are different due to the encoding. In SQL, depending on encoding it is possible to encounter a duplicate key error because the two names are in fact the same in SQL. SureSync has been enhanced to produce a warning about the collating sequence error and the Job will no longer be canceled. The message will also report the file name. In most situations, one of the two files need to be renamed to resolve the issue. This has been fixed in 8.0.13.
- UNC paths longer than 33 characters in the server name had the name truncated. This caused extra server records to be created each time the job was run. This has been fixed in 8.0.13.
- If a Job was configured using a local path on the SureSync machine and UNC paths which was executed with no Scheduler running, the program would request a Communications Agent license when it was not needed. This has been fixed in 8.0.13.
- Using the “Test Connection” button in the SyncLockStatus application could result in a connection being incorrectly dropped. This has been fixed in 8.0.13.
- A “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error could be produced in the SyncLockStatus tray application. This has been fixed in 8.0.13.
User Interface
- When clicking cancel on the Outbound Connection wizard, a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” message would be displayed. This has been fixed in 8.0.13.
- On the Folder Attributes tab of a Rule, the “If Rule Applies Force On” and “If Rule Applies Force Off” checkboxes could not be checked. This has been fixed in 8.0.13.
- Publishing Communications Agent configuration information via the “Update Agent Configuration and Restart Service” button would not always update configuration correctly. This could cause difficulty in configuring settings such as the announce used to perform auto-discovery in SyncLockStatus, changing a port number or using Outbound Connections. This has been fixed in 8.0.13.
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SureSync 8.0.11 Known Issues
Version 8.0.11 was posted on October 26, 2016.
Communications Agent
- When processing a delta copy, it was possible to receive a “value does not fall within the expected range” error when receiving an invalid value from Microsoft’s Remote Differential Compression engine. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- In some instances, a delta copy could get attempted on a destination file that is too small to support deltas. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- On Windows 2008 R2/Windows Vista and newer, the default certificate used for TLS encryption is now generated with SHA256. 2003/XP will continue to use SHA1 due to lack of support. This change will happen automatically the next time the Communications Agent refreshes the certificate or you can force the change by stopping the Communications Agent, deleting the SureSyncSSL certificate from the local computer’s personal certificate store and restarting the agent. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- License corrections were made for databases with only Endpoint Jobs and only Endpoint licensing. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- With Endpoint, when many machines were connecting to the Scheduler service at the same time, it was possible for the response time of the Scheduler to slow to the point clients could not connect. Optimizations have been made to merging configuration changes received from remote Agents/Endpoints. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- In Endpoint, using a network share to import configuration information was encountering an error that would result in the configuration not being imported. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- In Endpoint, the UAC option in the client could get reset by configuration information published by the server. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- When running Endpoint jobs, the Endpoint clients were incorrectly publishing configuration information to the server. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
File Locking
- When running a Real-Time Monitor with file locking, it was possible to receive a “System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added” message in the Application Event Viewer. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- When running a Real-Time Monitor with file locking with tracing enabled, it was possible to have the Real-Time Monitor canceled by system due to an bug in tracing when a connection was lost while a file was being processed with a delta copy. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- In rare timing circumstances where users are opening the same file on multiple machines when a path drop is occurring, it was possible for a lock to not be released. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- An “object reference not set to an instance of an object” message could be produced by SyncFiles when displaying all locks in the Detailed Status panel. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- When running with File Locking, the internal lock list in memory could have unnecessary internal locks. This could have a negative performance impact. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- If running File Locking on a root drive letter (for example E:), the driver could attempt to lock items such as \$Extend\$Quota which could cause “an internal application error has occurred. File locking support terminated due to a severe error communicating with the driver. System.ArgumentException” an item with the same key has already been added.” SureSync will now automatically exclude system folders like these. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- With File Locking, it was possible for the Communications Agent to not release a lock when a Job requested it to. This would result in locks remaining when they shouldn’t. Enhancements have also been made to locking during renames to avoid abandoned locks. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
File Synchronization
- When running a UNC path synchronization involving a FAT file system, it was possible for the Job to scan many more files than existed in the directory structure. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- In rare timing circumstances, database transactions may be attempted from multiple threads at once. This would produce a System.InvalidOperationException: Stack Empty error. This error could occur in the Scheduler or SyncFiles. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- In rare situations, a deadlock could occur in SyncFiles related to accessing the SureSync database. This would stop the SyncFiles from processing additional files. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- A “System.Data.DBConcurrencyException: Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 8 of the expected 1 records” error could occur in a Schedule or Monitor in some timing situations where there were unsaved changes to history associated with a folder delete. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- If a path dropped 5 times during the enumeration of a folder, those events were being incorrectly categorized as critical errors which would result in the a Real-Time Monitor being canceled instead of continuing to recover the path. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- When running a UNC path synchronization involving a FAT file system, it was possible for the Job to scan many more files than existed in the directory structure. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- If a Job/Schedule/Monitor started up and had many Advanced Open File Support (VSS) file copy requests pending, it was possible for SureSync to attempt to generate multiple VSS snapshots at once which could negatively impact performance. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- Path loss and recovery messages were being counted against the 500 warning count that would lead to a Schedule or Monitor being canceled. This has been changed so environments with many path drops and recoveries don’t run the chance of having a monitor placed on hold due to too many warnings. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- A “System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow” could occur in a Real-Time Monitor that experience path losses and was configured to run without file history. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- The Communications Agent was not returning the temporary folder when enumerating, which prevented purging old, abandoned temporary file copies. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- Enhancements were made to attempt to avoid “Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ‘dbo.FileActions” errors when comparing file names with foreign characters where the collation sequence set on the database would compare two file names as the same. In some instances, the database collation must be changed or a file renamed. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- When running multiple Schedulers, if a remote machine was both a Scheduler and a root path in a job with a Communications Agent reference, it was possible for the machine to not correctly license for the Communications Agent. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- In some situations, it was possible to receive SyncLockStatus pop-up messages on incorrect machines. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- With the Collaboration Bundle (SyncS-Col-Stat), SyncLockStatus licensing is now unlimited. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
User Interface
- The display of the next execution time of a Schedule would display incorrectly in Enterprise Status and Status Web due to a time zone adjustment being applied incorrectly. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- In the SureSync Desktop, the Intervals tab of a Real-Time Monitor was not properly testing for overlap in the defined intervals. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- When using Enterprise Status to view status for an Endpoint Monitor, the statistics would jump around showing only status from the last connected Endpoint instead of cumulative statistics. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
- In the SureSync Desktop, if you configured a server that previously was used only via UNC to run with a Communications Agent, the test button would produce a “no outbound connection is available” error until you closed and opened the SureSync Desktop. This has been fixed in 8.0.12.
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SureSync 8.0.10 Known Issues
Version 8.0.10 was posted on September 8, 2016.
- When upgrading a SureSync database from a previous version on a SQL server with slow response times, it was possible to receive a “System.Data.SqlException: Timeout expired” message that halted the upgrade. The timeout has been increased. This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
- When attempting to synchronize an Endpoint client where an Alert definition exists, the Endpoint client would fail to connect with a database error that includes the text “AlertDefnId.” This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
File Synchronization
- If a full scan determined a folder needed to be deleted but the folder could not be deleted due to it not being empty (for example, the folder included files excluded from processing), the scan would not be marked as satisfied. This could result in the scan of that folder being replayed whenever the job was restarted. This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
- In rare conditions, it was possible to encounter a ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME message when resolving a path. This would trigger a “failed to find FRN in journal” error that caused a full rescan. This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
- If a Schedule contained multiple Jobs and one of the Jobs included a reparse point, it was possible for a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” message to occur. This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
- In a Job performing a long running folder scan, it was possible for the Node cleanup routine that cleans up obsolete database records to produce a “System.Data.DbConcurrencyException: Concurrency violation” error that stopped the Schedule or Real-Time Monitor. This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
- A “System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow” error could occur that would cancel a Real-Time Monitor. This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
- It was possible to receive a “System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation might not execute” error in the Event Viewer that would lead to a Real-Time Monitor being cancelled. This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
- In SyncLockStatus, if multiple Schedulers were defined and one of the Scheduler machines did not have a license you could receive rapid reconnects to the Scheduler which would result in rapid pop-up messages from the system tray. This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
User Interface
- In an environment where a trial of all products in the Suite were installed, if a single product was purchased the new license import would fail with a Systen.NullReferenceException message. This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
- When displaying Detailed Status on an Endpoint Real-Time Monitor from the server, the statistics from the Endpoint machines were not being displayed. This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
- On the Endpoint tab, when selecting to display Detailed Status it was possible to receive a “System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary” error message. This has been fixed in 8.0.11.
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SureSync 8.0.9 Known Issues
Version 8.0.9 was posted on July 19, 2016.
Communications Agent
- Changes have been made to handle sending large configuration files to remote Communications Agents and to handle receiving simultaneous configuration updates. This can occur when running many Jobs/Schedules/Monitors at the same time and could result in a Communications Agent connection failing. This has been fixed in 8.0.10.
File Locking
- If a file lock was generated for a rename event and the path is lost, it was possible for a lock to remain after the path is restored. This has been fixed in 8.0.10.
File Synchronization
- When running a Trial Run, the amount of data reported to be copied would be double the actual amount. The size of the source was incorrectly added into the total making the value twice the amount (assuming a 2 path Job). This has been fixed in 8.0.10.
- FTP controls upgraded to the latest version. This has been fixed in 8.0.10.
- It was possible to receive a “System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Non-negative number required. Parameter name: count. This action will not be retried” message when attempting a file resume. This has been fixed in 8.0.10.
- If e-mail alerts were configured incorrectly and SyncFiles failed to send an alert, it was possible for the Schedule or Monitor to be incorrectly canceled. This has been fixed in 8.0.10.
- A Real-Time Monitor could be stopped with a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error. This would occur when the Job attempted to report lock status before it was fully initialized. This is a timing issue that affects jobs that are very slow to startup (most likely due to slow connections). In addition, the monitor would need to have outstanding locks on an agent due to an interruption. This has been fixed in 8.0.10.
- The allowed time for an active file copy to not report back copy status has been increased from 6 minutes to 15 minutes. This has been fixed in 8.0.10.
User Interface
- When attempting to add a server to Enterprise Status, the following error would be presented: System.MissingFieldException: Field not found ‘SPIComConfigLib.SPIComConfig.ProductID’. This has been fixed in 8.0.10.
- When attempting to add a listen connection immediately after deleting one, it was possible to receive a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object error. This has been fixed in 8.0.10.
- If a Job was added to the SureSync database when a Real-Time Monitor was already active, the Job would not be available in the Jobs tab for selection in the Real-Time Monitor until the Desktop was closed and relaunched. This has been fixed in 8.0.10.
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SureSync 8.0.8 Known Issues
Version 8.0.8 was posted on June 2, 2016.
Communications Agent
- When processing a delta copy, it was possible to receive a “System.ArgumentException: source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array’s lower bounds” error message. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
- When testing or attempting to establish a connection, a “System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime” error could occur. This is due to a WPF/SOAP incompatibility with time zones. This would occur with a Communications Agent located in a UTC + time zone is using encryption and attempts to generate a connection to another Communications Agent located westward from the machine generating the connection. All eastward connections and connections from UTC or UTC – time zones were always successful. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
- When launching the SureSync Endpoint Client, it was possible to receive a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
File Locking
- Enhancements and corrections have been made to folder renames with file locking. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
File Synchronization
- It was possible for the NodeID counter to have an incorrect, obsolete value. This could produce “an item with the same key has already been added” and “violation of primary key constraint ‘PK_Nodes_Rel_NodeID” errors to occur. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
- When processing a file containing multiple alternate data streams where one stream that needed to be copied followed one to be skipped, it was possible to receive a “Warning: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: Waithandle array may not be empty.” message. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
- When using an UNC path as a destination in a real-time monitor, it was possible for WriteToFile Error=0 error to occur when a path was lost during a file transfer. This would cause the monitor to not drop the path and not resume processing. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
- When running on a computer without the C++ Runtime for Visual Studio 2013 installed would produce a “System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly ‘SPIVssLib_2003x64.dll’ or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found.” error in the Event Viewer. The installer for SureSync installs the C++ Runtime for Visual Studio 2015 (14.0). The VSS components have been recompiled to use the distributed runtime. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
Real-Time Monitor
- If a Monitor had a large number of root paths on the same agent and that agent went offline, the agent and the job could loop. This would result in the agent and the job needing to be restarted. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
- In rare timing situations, with a multi-path Job running under a Real-Time Monitor, it was possible for scans processed while a path was offline to not be fully retried on the recovered path when it came back online. A full scan would be needed to complete the actions to the recovered path. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
- A “System.ArgumentNullReference: Value cannot be null” error could occur that would stop the Scheduler service. This would occur when alerts were processed. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
SQL Protection
- When running a SQL Protection job, a “System.MissingMethodException” could occur canceling the Job. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
User Interface
- In the Log Viewer, the “Event Time” field would display MM/DD/YYYY when the locale called for DD/MM/YYYY. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
- On the Statistics tab of a Job, the “Last Modified Date” statistic could display the date incorrectly. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
- When adding a path to a Job with a one-way Rule that selected destinations individually, adding a new path would not show in the destination path list unless you switched to the “(all available destination paths)” and back. This has been fixed in 8.0.9.
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SureSync 8.0.7 Known Issues
Version 8.0.7 was posted on May 26, 2016.
Communications Agent
- The Communications Agent could fail to release a File I/O class during folder enumerations where a folder was missing on one or more of the paths in the Job. This could result in an accumulation of these File I/O classes that could cause path losses and these losses did not always recover. This has been fixed in 8.0.8.
File Synchronization
- A new option has been added to the Folder Attributes tab of a Rule that impacts Move Rule behavior. By default, the behavior will stay as it has in the past where empty folders on the source are removed resulting in an empty source folder after the move is complete. The option can be unchecked to alter the behavior so empty folders are left on the source. This has been fixed in 8.0.8.
User Interface
- When attempting to delete a path within a Job, it was possible to receive the error “an unexpected error has occurred. System.Data.DeleteRowInaccessibleException.” This has been fixed in
- When launching multiple Real-Time Monitors which contained a large number of Jobs, it was possible to receive a “System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation might not execute” error that would occur in only specific timing circumstances. This has been fixed in 8.0.8.
- In the SureSync Desktop, attempts to add a new path to an existing Job under a Real-Time Monitor were incorrectly being detected as UNC paths when they were correct Communications Agent path references. This prevented adding the path. This has been fixed in 8.0.8.
- If a SureSync database had an very large number of Jobs which executed very frequently, the SureSync Desktop could become unresponsive because of the excessive refreshing required to accurately display status. This could take hundreds or even thousands of Jobs to produce the symptoms. This has been fixed in 8.0.8.
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SureSync 8.0.6 Known Issues
Version 8.0.6 was posted on April 22, 2016.
File Locking
- If a file lock was established at the same time on multiple machines, it was possible for a lock to not be released. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- When running a multi-way Real-Time Monitor with file locking, it was possible to encounter errors where the Job could not delete a folder because our locking engine has a handle on a folder that should have been released. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
File Synchronization
- When using a backup root, if you had a large number of files to be processed for thinning it, the Job could appear to get stuck on the cleanup. The backup root thinning will now be interrupted after 2 minutes so normal file synchronization processing can occur. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- A correction has been made to the throttling code. If you defined severely limited bandwidth such as 1Mbps and 20% dynamic throttling, it was possible for the block size used to be shrunk to 4K and many small blocks sent in parallel incorrectly. This could overload the agent and cause high CPU usage. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- It was possible to encounter “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- It was possible to receive a “System.Threading.ThreadAbortException error in the Application event log. This would occur when attempting to start a Schedule or Real-Time Monitor that was already running. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- If Change Journal entries are used on a Job and the last rule is a Skip rule, folder security changes may not be processed unless a full scan occurs. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
Real-Time Monitors
- When starting a real-time monitor, it was possible to encounter an “unable to start change journal. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error which would cause the path to drop. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- It was possible to encounter a “System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null” error from the Scheduler service. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- It was possible for the Scheduler service to attempt to launch the same Schedule multiple times at the same scheduled time. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
SQL Protection
- If a SQL Protection job was restoring to a standby SQL server using SQL authentication, this would fail with an “Error performing restore. System.ApplicationException: Invalid source string on SQL Job” error. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
User Interface
- If you changed a one-way rule to a multi-way rule, the multi-way security option drop-down on the Copy Security tab would not be populated until the Desktop was relaunched. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- Corrections were made to the Job Creation from Template functionality. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- A UNC path Job was incorrectly being allowed to be placed in a Real-Time Monitor. A Real-Time Monitor requires Change Journal support and the Communications Agent for each path. The Desktop will now present an error about this not being a supported configuration. A UNC can still be added if you turn off the option to monitor the path. This allows a UNC to be a destination but events can be missed since no monitoring is occurring on that root path. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- When configuring a Backup Root, it was possible for the wrong Communications Agent to be selected. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- When changing credentials for a Communications Agent, it was possible for a recycling of the Scheduler service to revert the account back to the original account. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- If a new Priority was defined in Options in the SureSync Desktop, this Priority would not appear in the drop-down for a Schedule or Monitor until the Desktop was relaunched. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
- When attempting to update existing Jobs with the template job functionality, it was possible to receive an “Unable to clone job. System.Data.ConstraintException: ‘Column, RootNumber’ is constrained to be unique.” error. This has been fixed in 8.0.7.
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Known Issues in Latest Version (8.0.5)
Version 8.0.5 was posted on March 16, 2016.
- When upgrading a database it was possible to receive a “Column ‘Id’ is constrained to be unique” error if the database contained a reference to more than one scheduler. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
File Locking
- Rename support has been enhanced when running a File Locking real-time monitor. If a user has a file open in one office and a user in another office attempts to rename the same folder, the rename will not be prevented until no one has files open. This mimics the behavior of Windows Explorer on a single server. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
File Synchronization
- When adding a root path that is a drive letter with no folder, internally the path was being associated with the local SureSync agent until a Job ran that corrected the record. This could cause license counts to be wrong and other issues. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- When running with multiple Schedulers, it was possible to encounter a “System.Data.DBConcurrencyException: Concurrency violation: The UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records” error that would cancel the Schedule or Monitor. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- When a root path in a Job was the drive letter (volume root), it was possible to encounter an error “the parameter is incorrect” caused by a check to test for a recursive reparse point failing. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- A Real-Time Monitor could be canceled after encountering a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- If a Change Journal was less than 1 day old, on each path recovery the Job would increase the size of the journal. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- When reading from an FTP site, only 4 bytes were being read at a time which would negatively impact Job performance. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- The e-mail alert for completion of an item was not correctly sending the statistics. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
User Interface
- A “System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type DBNull to type ‘Short’ is not valid error could occur when changing Rule types with Backup Root Paths defined. When changing Rule type, you will now be required to select the source if the new Rule method requires one. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- When using “Replace Machine References” to change an agent name, the change would be made but did not display in the Desktop until the Desktop was closed and launched again. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- If a Job was created without a Rule and placed under a Real-Time Monitor with other Jobs, you would be unable to delete the problem Job. This would produce an error “This Job is the only Job in the Real-Time Monitor. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- If a computer was listed as a root path in a Job with a Backup Root, you would be unable to delete that computer even after deleting all root paths on that machine from Jobs in the database. An error would be presented indicating that machine was still referenced in Jobs when the paths were not. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- The SureSync Desktop has been enhanced to allow the copying of items such as Jobs between Group Folders. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- When testing a connection of a UNC path, it was possible to receive a “This type of CollectionView does not support changes to its SourceCollection from a thread different from the Dispatcher thread error. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
- On machines with UAC enabled, the Desktop was not properly determining group membership. This could result in a user who should have access to items in the SureSync database being unable to access them. This has been fixed in 8.0.6.
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SureSync 8.0.4 Known Issues
Version 8.0.4 was posted on March 9, 2016.
- When upgrading a database with throttling defined at the computer level, the upgrade would produce an “unrecognized GUID format” error. To resolve, you must upgrade the v7 database to v8 again once running the 8.0.5 release. This has been fixed in 8.0.5.
File Synchronization
- In rare timing situations, an unnecessary loop occurred when more than 40 actions were queued and a retry was queued in the database with a retry time that had passed. The retry was not processed because there were too many actions already in the queue. This could result in high CPU usage for the SyncFiles.exe process. This has been fixed in 8.0.5.
- When running an SFTP job, it was possible to have a “unable to access root path” error occur incorrectly. This was caused by some types of FTP servers not allowing the SureSync FTP code to change folders to the root. This has been fixed in 8.0.5.
- In rare timing situations, when processing folder deletes, it was possible for a Job to stop processing. This occurred when a folder delete was delayed because another delete was attempting to be queued at the same time. This has been fixed in 8.0.5.
- Fixes have been made to support for using a Windows File Server cluster as a root path. This has been fixed in 8.0.5.
User Interface
- When creating an Archive Rule, it was possible to receive a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” message when closing the form. This has been fixed in 8.0.5.
- It was possible to receive a “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error when launching a Schedule or Real-Time Monitor wizard. This has been fixed in 8.0.5
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